Where can I find my project on-line?

The Participant Portal gives you access to all you need to know and do regarding EC funded projects. It is here:


Go; My Area - My Projects - The button MP (Manage Project) to the right of your project title

From here you will have access to the contractual documents and the reporting system. It is all in one place and it is updated.

You will find

Under Continues Reporting:

  • Deliverables lists
  • Milestones
  • Critical risks
  • Publications
  • Dissemination
  • Etc..

Under Proposal Management & Grant Preparation:

  • Project summary
    • Start date
    • End date
    • Name of project officer
  • Beneficiary info
  • Reporting periods
  • Financial info
  • Work packages
  • Etc…

The best way to know these pages are by exploring them. Usability may be questionable. However, spending some time clicking around is well worth the effort.


Before you consider setting up any management system, get to know what is already available. There should be no need to copy this info into your own systems. The source is the best.


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