How do we explain costs?

Make it short with sufficient detail.


  • Title/function - Who – What – Person Months – Cost
  • Professor Ole Olsen – Worked on Task 1.2 delivering the prototype - for a period of 3,5 PM – at a cost of €35 000


  • Who – Where – When – Purpose – Cost
  • Ole Olsen – travelled to Paris – June 14-16 2014 – for a scientific work meeting -  at a cost of €2 000

Consumables (>€1000)

  • What – Cost – Use
  • Electrical pump - €2 500 – to be use for recirculation of sea water on plant in WP4

Remember to include all info as in the examples.  However, you do not need to write more. The explanations to what you have done should be closely related to WPs and tasks. You will not be paid for doing things that is not in the workplan.

Report work in person months not in hours. Person months is less precise than hours and you will avoid that someone can find your exact hourly rate….  and then say that it is not exactly the same as in the cost statement.

When reporting work, give the person a title or a function. The reason for this is that the EC wants to know if it is a senior, a junior or a student that has done the work. It is a way of checking if the costs are reasonable.


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