What is the Annex 1?

Annex 1, aka Description of Work, (DoW), Description of the action (DoA), is your proposal transformed into a contractual document annexed to the Grant Agreement.

Annex 1 is your moment of truth: You are now going to fulfil what you promised in the proposal. All of it.

Let the Annex 1 be your project bible for what you are going to do for the next 2 to 5 years. If used and followed the Annex 1 will work as a very useful project plan. It is also a powerful tool in communicating the project work and obligations between the partners.

You already have described several tools in the proposal/Annexe 1 that you are now going to use in planning and running of your project.

The work:

  • The WPs and the task.
  • The Gantt chart. Probably the most useful tool in communicating work plans between the partners
  • The Perth chart
  • The deliverables list with month due
  • The milestones
  • The risk plan

At the end of the reporting period you are going to report on this so be sure that you have control. Any deviations must be reported. Delays and lack of achievements may cause problems and in if serious enough the EC may stop your project.

Project management:

  • The management structure with roles and responsible persons

Now it is time to implement it.

Communication, exploitation and dissemination:

  • Your probably made ambitious plans to get the project

Do as you promised in the proposal. Do not wait. You must report all activities at the end of the period.

The objectives:

  • Use the objectives as your guiding star. A successful project means fulfilling the objectives.

Reviews and technical audits of your project will judge you against the objectives and to the extent that you have achieved them.


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