How do we exchange information?

A common repository or place to store and exchange files is useful. You can buy internet based solution or one of the partners may be able to offer in-house solutions to the project.

Do not be too ambitious. Basically, you need a place to store files in a structured way. It may be useful that you can select who will get an e-mail when new files are uploaded.

Do not duplicate information. Much of the information you need for running the project is already in the project database in the Participant Portal. This means that you will have official and final document in the EC system. The document storage you need is mainly for working documents and drafts.


There are several issues to be considered with any file storage solutions outside your own organisation:

  • You must comply with rules and legal issues in general and in your own organisation for sharing, transfer and storage of information; in particular, if you work with medical, personal or sensitive data in any form
  • Data must be safe and protected against loss
  • The access control must be safe i.e. who are granted access to the data
  • Your data must be securely protected against access form others using the same database
  • What will happen to your files when the project is over?
  • What about risks for loosing IPR?

Each project must decide on legal issues and the degree of safety needed for their data.


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