How do we communicate in the project?

Set up one or more mailing lists as needed

Use skype or telephone conferences (the latter may be easier) regularly

  • A short briefing once a month at least

Keep everybody informed

  • Weekly or bi-weekly info from the coordinator or WP leaders is important
    • On work progress and results (success stories)
    • On dissemination and communication activities

Ensure that all partners are active and well informed

  • Act at once if a partner does not respond to communication
  • Keep everybody updated on upcoming deadlines
  • Use the repository (document base) for the exchange of documents
    • Inform when new documents are uploaded/modified

If you need to discuss or agree on things plan and set up alternatives before you open for the discussion. It is not productive to have discussions that ends up in hundreds of mails from all to all.

It is not only the coordinator that is responsible for good communication. WP leaders, dissemination and innovation mangers, IPR managers and task leaders should also be active in commination of their activities. As well as anybody in the project. 


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