How do I communicate with the PO?

An EC project is followed by a project officer (PO). Some project may have a scientific and a financial officer. The project officer is your helper in the EC system. However, each project officer has a big file of projects they are responsible for so their time is limited.

This is how you interact with the PO:

  • It is only the coordinator that communicate with the PO, all other partners must communicate through the coordinator. This single contact point between the EC and the project is important:
    • The PO do not know all partners in the project
    • Answering everybody will require too much resource and may lead to conflicts and contradictions in the project.
    • To keep the project officer happy; deliver on time. This is the number one rule.
  • Keep the PO informed on major deviations and delays. They do not like surprises. However, be constructive and tell how the project will overcome the problems.
  • Conflicts and problems should as far as possible be solved in the project. The PO will not be part of conflicts or discussions. It is expected that the project itself has the mechanism to solve their own problems.
  • The EC wants more and more communication done via the systems in the Participants Portal. In this way, the system keeps track of project communication. However, mail still seems to be the main rule. Find out with your PO.
  • Do not get frustrated if the PO is picking on minor errors e.g. cost must be correct on the last € cent etc. They have their systems (sometimes troublesome) and they must have it 100% correct to keep the system and their bureaucracy happy.

The PO is your friend and helper in the EC system. They are there to assist you. Keep an open dialog, be constructive, ask if you need advice, and try to adjust to the mode of your PO. Some wants much info, others less.   


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