What do I write about impact?

Logic and structure

Impact text is not something you “invent” when you come to the impact chapter. It must follow from your objectives, your work and your results.

It is the results that make the impact.

The objectives, what you will achieve in the project, must be written in line with what the call text specifies for impact. Your achievements shall fulfill the expectations of the funding body for impact.  This means that if you set the objectives close to the expected impact of the funding body it is much easier to write the impact text.

The work you do in the project shall produce results. These results are what is going to make the difference. Therefore, you must have results that will have an impact. The impact text must therefore link to the results.

Impact starts when you have results. However, you are going to write about expected impact so you must also describe how impact will develop post project. As it is expected impact your text should be realistic but positive and optimistic about the future of your results. This is what you hope for or want your results to become to your best knowledge.

On what and how for whom?

Describe for each result what it will have impact on or to whom the impact may be important. Wherever possible, use quantified indicators and targets.

Impact in health - what:

  • Science and further research
  • Policy making
    • Evidence based policy
    • Indicators for decisions
  • Legislation
    • Directives etc
  • Procedures and best practice
    • Better health
    • Better care
    • Quality of life
    • Environment
    • Employment

 Impact in health – how?

Quantify, present numbers and do calculations:

  • Saved costs
  • Gained living years
  • Gained work years
  • Gained health (value)
  • Number of treatments x cost per treatment
  • Less pain
  • Less medication

 For different stakeholders/levels:

  • Society
  • Health care
  • Individuals
  • Families
  • Gender/age group



Impact takes time and may develop over time like this:


Time is an important dimension in your impact text. Describe how you expect your results develop over time. This may be useful for your story on how your new knowledge will be transformed into benefit for patients and care: Your result created new knowledge that changed the behavior of doctors and nurses, this lead to a new practice that became a new policy for treatment of the actual patient group.


You can also build a story of how your results will mature using the TRL levels. See: What is TRL?


Describe what may stand in the way for the expected impact and how you will get around it. Obstacles or barriers may be:

  • Regulations and standards
  • Public or others’ acceptance
  • Cost/benefit
  • Need for more capital

Maximizing impact


  • how you will disseminate the results
  • how your project will communicate the project work and create awareness
  • how you will exploit and use the results (a plan may be fine)

See also:

What is the difference between dissemination, use and communication?

What happens in the project and what happens after the project?

How to understand the proposal logic?


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