What is the European dimension or European level?

In short:

  • That your idea cannot be solved nationally
  • That the need and impact of your idea should at a European/international level

You apply for a European project because you cannot solve your problem nationally. The European dimension is core to any EC funded project. EC will not spend money on projects that can be funded nationally.

This means:

  • You need complementary partners from several countries that willwork together and solve a problem they could not have solved by themselves
  • Your project results should have an important impact to several countries and regions


You can put proposal text in one or more of these places:

  • Relevance for the call: Stressing answering a EuropeaLinketekstn problem
  • Objectives: Achieve goals needed for Europe
  • Work plan: Describe the work in a way that shows real international cooperation. Integrate national knowledge and results in integration Work Packages
  • Impact: Providing results with impact in all or particular countries or regions
  • Implementation: Partners with complementary knowledge and resources selected. Joint forces with several of the best to solve an international problem
  • Dissemination and use: In several countries
  • Communication: In many countries.

If you can add something about contributions to European directives, legislation or standards; even better!!

On the other hand:

The idea and the impact may be quite narrow depending on your project. It is up to you and your project to convince the evaluators that you are at a European level. It is perfectly possible to argue that aquaculture has a European dimension even if it is primarily Norway, Scotland, Spain and Greece that is involved in fish farming! (..and Norway alone is by far the biggest)


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