How do I manage the proposal writing?
Coordinator: Writing a full proposal - you are the editor
- You need 150 to 400 hours to do the writing
- You need one principal writer or editor - plus a writing team (2-3 persons)
- You must organize input from the partners
- Input to objectives
- Input to SoA from their specific fields
- Input on available data and methods to be used
- Get each partner to write their own WPs and tasks including resources needed (PM)
- Find external readers that can give you feedback on draft text (different people see different things so you need more than one)
- Idea development and overall understanding
- Logic, structure; objectives-SoA-WPs-results-partners-impact
- Science, references, data and methods
- The text itself (This is the most time consuming)
Writing the proposal
- Use the writing team; spread the work load. In particular get help on the non-time critical parts
- Get an overview of how much text you need to produce for each section, it is surprisingly little, in most cases a page or two max. (How to eat an elephant)
- If you ask for text from partners be clear on the page limits and max length needed for each piece of input
- Get help on the budgeting
- Get help on EC formalities and online systems
- Keep a strict control on doc versions save old versions and go to a new version frequently
- Do backups, the easiest backup is sending the document to yourself or a colleague by mail
- Use a simple formatting, do the final formatting late in the process, wait with page shifts
- Use Word features for headings and references
- If you copy from other docs do not import their styles and formatting if you can avoid it
- Keep all budget data in a single spreadsheet where all data is linked and the source is put in once
Coordinator: Non-time critical issues
Things you can do independently of the time critical writing (do it asap - don’t wait):
- Gather all background information needed; references, articles, legalisation and directives, standards
- Deal with ethical issues, and write necessary text, get approvals
- Gather budget information i.e. salaries and personal costs of partners, gather info for consumables costs, clinical trials costs (unit costs), cost of lab facilities and other costs needed
- Set up advisory board, organize supporting letters
- Get CVs, partner presentations, publication lists, project references; write chapter 4 and 5 of the proposal
- Fix all formalities in your own organization; approvals, signatures, resource issues regarding extra personnel
- Patent searches and freedom to operate issues