Do I have to follow your recommendations?

Hopefully it will increase your chances for funding if you follow our advice. However there are no single way to success and funding. Many funded proposal deviate from our formula. So there is not one way to success. Nothing beats a good story.  After having tried to follow all kinds of advice try to see your text in a broader context and with new eyes:

Lean back and read it again and ask yourself:

  • Is it a good story?
  • Do I believe in it?
  • Have I expressed myself clearly?
  • Have I fulfilled the reader’s expectations?

If you see your text I a broader perspective you may get good ideas for improvements.


  • In improving your proposal do not be afraid to delete text. Probably you are the only one that will miss it.
  • A thing that is too complicated and too hard to explain is probably bad text. 
  • If you need more pages than the template allows for in a section you are saying the wrong thing.



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