Why is it important to consider IP in H2020?

EC expects you to produce valuable, excellent results that has an impact. In assessing the “value” of your results the possibility to protect them and exploit them is essential.  You will therefore strengthen your proposal by clearly describing the IP coming out of the project and how you will handle IPR.

In collaborative project the partners bring together their knowledge and use it to create new knowledge during the project. In this highly collaborative process it is essential to have a clear strategy for managing IPR:

  • Before the project starts:
    • A NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) so you can discuss freely about the project idea
    • Declaration of background: Each partner should have a clear view of their IPR owned before project start
    • Any restriction on Background that can hinder exploitation post project?
  • During the project:
    • Who will create and own each results?
    • Any joint ownership?
    • Who will protect the results? How? Costs?
  • Post project:
    • Who will exploit each results? How?
    • What about licencing?

 A clear plan for IPR management is needed to:

  • Avoid conflicts between partners
  • Ensure that IPR stays by the partners that created it (is properly protected)
  • Ensure the rights to publish (scientific) results

The IPR-help desk - www.iprhelpdesk.eu – offers fact sheets and lots of information about IPR management and protection.

For commercialisation of OUS results you should seek advice from Inven2.


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