Which contract should I use?

Use standard contracts and modify them as little as possible. Standard contracts have been written and tested by many projects before you and they probably will also satisfy your needs. If you are a partner in a project always try to get the coordinator/project leader to use DESCA or Forskningsrådets standard contracts. It speeds up the control and signature process and makes life much easier for all of us.

By modifying the standard contracts and by adding text there is a risk that the contracts will be inconsistent. So be aware of what you are doing. However certain point must be edited see “How do I read and modify contracts?”

EC projects:

  • Grant Agreement is the standard EC contract between the project and the EC. You cannot modify this. However it is important that you check that all information about your organisation is correct. This includes the budget and the DoW/Anneex1 (The work plan i.e. the modified proposal text that has become the work plan).
  • Consortium Agreement is the contract between the partners. Use the DESCA model for you project. You can get it here: http://www.desca-2020.eu/   . DESCA is used and known all over Europe and will cover your needs.

Norwegian funded projects/Forskiningsråds prosjekter:

  • Use NFR/RCN standard contracts for the contract with NFR/RCN.
  • Use Samarbeidsavtale/Konsortieavtale for the cooperation and IPR between partners.
  • You may find the templates here:

http://www.forskningsradet.no/no/Kontrakt_og_rapportering/1183468209165  and


If links do not work: Go: http://www.forskningsradet.no/  and then “Søke om midler” menu «Kontrakt og rapportering» and «Samarbeidsavtaler» or use the English pages for contracts in English

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA):

  • Before starting cooperation with a partner it may be useful to sign a NDA. This will prevent the partners from revealing information to others.
  • If an NDA is needed must be decided for each project or cooperation.


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