How do I describe my project partners?

Your partner(s) are in the project because they are needed to do a particular task or WP. You must therefore describe the partner(s) in a way that link them to the job they are going to do. And you must show that they are the right partner(s).

You should describe:

  • The partner profile and their overall competence in the field
  • What they are going to do (refer to tasks/WPs or objectives or results)
  • Their competence related to their work
  • Why their competence is the best/most suitable for doing the job

Then you go on with the profile of the persons that will do the job:

  • CVs of person doing the job
  • Who will do what and their responsibilities
  • A short track record per person
  • A list of publications and/or achievements (in H2020 max 5 publications per person)
  • You must also indicate the gender of each person or write a sentences saying that partner a will participate in the project with y male and x female researchers
  • For persons with specific roles in the project e.g. Coordinator, innovation manager, WP leader, dissemination manager etc. you must describe their skills and experience relate to the roles they have been assigned

You must also show that the partner have experience in the field by listing previous projects (in H2020 max 5 projects) relevant for their work in this project. If you can link the persons above to the project it is even better.

If the partner will provide or have infrastructure and/or equipment significant for performing the work in the project you should describe it. 


  • Do the partners and their descriptions cover all the project tasks (no blanc spots)
  • Do they fulfil the objectives
  • Do I have all the right people on board? Do CVs and tasks match properly?
  • Have I linked the competence to the work?

Do not write or copy long and general texts about the partner or the persons. Keep it to the point linked to work in the project.


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