Why do I need a work package on management and a work package on innovation related activities?

The management WP shall show that you have the needed resources and experience to lead the project. It shall also show how and what you are going to do.

Typically, objectives of a MGM WP may be:

  • Coordinate all project related activities to secure that work and cooperation between partners are efficient and well managed.
  • Manage project external relations
  • Manage efficiently time, resources and achievements against project plan.
  • Organize meetings and keep a good communication in the project
  • Fulfil all contractual obligations.

And you may have the following tasks:

  • Task x.1 Contractual, legal, ethical management of the Consortium and communication towards the EC
  • Task x.2 Financial management
  • Task x.3 Management of deliverables and milestones
  • Task x.4 Communication between the consortium members


The innovation WP shall show that you have planned with resources and activities appropriate to the project objectives and that you have understood how to do innovation. The innovation WP you may call: “Innovation related activities, dissemination and communication”. The WP leader must be the innovation manager. This is a person with relevant background and power to lead innovation work i.e. a person with a complementary background to the scientist in the project.

Objectives may be:

  • Raise awareness of the project and promote the innovations beyond the consortium using established and new networks, media, event participation, video, web sites etc.
  • Ensure that the project results are formulated and compiled in IPR protectable form including patents.
  • Develop the Dissemination and Exploitation Strategy,
  • Further develop the business plan for the project (if applicable)
  • Adapt the results of the scientific/technical work into information material useful for promotion and commercialization.
  • Ensure that innovation activities are high on the agenda in project management meetings.
  • Arrange workshops
  • Participate in fairs, conferences, seminars, workshops
  • Arrange demonstrations for invited scientists/users/customers
  • Establish commutation channels with user groups


Tasks may be:

  • Task x.1 Continuous innovation activity
  • Task x.2 Knowledge management and Protection of IPR
  • Task x.3 Promotion and exploitation in the market
  • Task x.4 Raising awareness
  • Task x.5 Demonstrate the project/results to invited users/customers
  • Etc, etc depending on your project

BE AWARE: Both WPs must be adapted to your project and the above should not be copied directly. Think about your own project and objectives when you write the tasks.


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