How do I write a business plan?

A business plan will often be asked for in Innovation actions of EC projects and in the more commercially oriented programs of the Research Council. Even if you are not required to write a business plan it may be useful to get an idea of what it is and how it can be written.  You may use ideas in your impact chapter text. In particular the headings of each point may be useful. The example is taken from the business plan known as “The Business Model Canvas”:

The Business Model Canvas reflects systematically on your business model, so you are freely to map each of its elements to your real business components. (That also means you do not have to define or enter all of them). The following list and questions will help you brainstorm the precise idea for your next business model innovation.

1. Key partners

i.      Who are your key partners/suppliers?

ii.     What are the motivations for the partnerships?

2. Key activities

i.     What key activities does your value proposition require?

ii.    What activities are important the most in distribution channels, customer relationships, revenue stream…?

3. Value proposition

i.     What core value do you deliver to the customer?

ii.    Which customer needs are you satisfying?

4. Customer relationship

i.     What relationship that the target customer expects you to establish? 

ii.    How can you integrate that into your business in terms of cost and format?

5. Customer segment

i.    Which classes are you creating values for?

ii.   Who is your most important customer?

6. Key resources

i.    What key resources does your value proposition require?

ii.   What resources are important the most in distribution channels, customer relationships, revenue stream…?

7. Distribution channels

i.    Through which channels that your customers want to be reached?

ii.   Which channels work best? How much do they cost? How can they be integrated into your and your customers’ routines?

8. Cost structure

i.    What are the most cost in your business?

ii.   Which key resources/ activities are most expensive?

9. Revenue Stream

i.    For what value are your customers willing to pay?

ii.   What and how do they recently pay? How would they prefer to pay?

iii.  How much does every revenue stream contribute to the overall revenues?


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