What about methods?

We will not write you a textbook on methods. However there are some points you must address.

  • You must give a full and good description of the methods you will use and how you will use them
  • You must argue that they are suitable and the best for your problem and match your work plan
  • You may need to defend your choice of method. This gives you a good opportunity to show that you know competing methods and that you have made a conscious choice. The text can be used also for the SoA section.
  • Your method may be the most valuable asset in the proposal, it being unique, new, better more efficient, above SoA etc. Write about this.
  • If your project is interdisciplinary and involve several partners you must show that the method(s) used are compatible and suitable across the full field of research and partners.
    • We often see evaluator comments on method use that leads to results that are not comparable or make inconclusive results.
  • You must know your statistics. If not, seek help when you write the proposal. Too many proposal fails because of:
    • missing statistics
    • wrong use of statistics
    • too small datasets to conclude
    • incompatible datasets (brought in by different partners)
    • inconclusive results
  • If you need to access registers and database ask for help and check that data will be available in a useful form. If you will combine data from several registers and bases this is even more important.


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