How can I improve my text by using the right words?

Use the concepts and terms used by the call text, supporting documents, and the funding sources. Read their text a try to match your text with their vocabulary:

  • It is easier to read and understand by the evaluator
  • It shows that you have read the text yourself
  • It gives the impression of you as an “insider” close to the call
  • It avoids misunderstandings and “not having addressed the questions”

Be consistent

  • Use the same word for the same thing throughout the proposal (in particular, take care, if there are more authors)
  • Mimic the scientific terms in the EC documents. If you decide to use another term for the same phenomena explain or be clear why.

Bad words

If you want a strong, clear text, try to avoid these words:


Background is not used in the EC template for the thematic programs at all (except for previously own IPR). Most background chapter says something boring that sounds like a textbook. And everybody knows it from before.

Instead of writing about background describe current SoA. Go directly to current knowledge that is the base for your research. Then continue with how you are going to go beyond SoA. It is hard to write about how you will go beyond background.


Objectives or my main goals are much better.

Identify, find out, assess, deal with, clarify, new information, investigate, find new knowledge, 

All these words do not really tell what you will do or achieve. They are not really input to objectives or a work plan that can produce concrete results. At least words that are about exploring something should be limited to a first WP. You must be more precise about what you will actually do and that it will lead to something: Make, produce, prove, show, demonstrate, develop,  etc may be better.

Literature search

In most cases it is expected that you have the needed knowledge before you apply for funding. Saying that you need to do literature studies tells that you dot know the field well enough.  (Well in some projects literature studies may be fully accepted, but be careful). If you need to do more theory say; gain enhanced knowledge, structure current knowledge, etc.

May lead to, if successful, could have an impact on, will probably lead to an improvement etc…

You write your text believing in success and achievements. You should not write as if in doubt. It is understood that your project is ambitious research and that the winner is high risk high gain. Be realistic and clear in your goals and work plan. Any doubts you may address in the risk plan showing what may fail. However, then you have a mitigation strategy ready.

Will be agreed later, depending on the outcome, will be assigned when the project starts, may be changes in course of the project, will be decided post project

Avoid as far as absolutely possible any open or unanswered questions in your text. It shows that you have not worked enough with your proposal and it makes the reader uncertain. Even if you are not 110% sure make a choice and be clear. If things do not happen as promised you can make amendments during the project.


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