Torild Skrivarhaug
- Consultant, Associate Professor; MD, PhD
- +47 22 11 87 65
Publications 2025
Diabetes Body Project: Acute Effects of an Eating Disorder Prevention Program for Young Women With Type 1 Diabetes. A Multinational Randomized Controlled Trial
Diabetes Care, 48 (2), 220-225
DOI 10.2337/dc24-1599, PubMed 39602474
Publications 2024
Ten Years of Improving Glycemic Control in Pediatric Diabetes Care: Data From the Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Registry
Diabetes Care, 47 (7), 1122-1130
DOI 10.2337/dc24-0086, PubMed 38648259
Prevalence and associations of impaired awareness of hypoglycemia in a pediatric type 1 diabetes population - The Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Registry
Diabetes Res Clin Pract, 209, 111093
DOI 10.1016/j.diabres.2024.111093, PubMed 38224875
Parental education and occupation in relation to childhood type 1 diabetes: nationwide cohort study
J Epidemiol Community Health, 78 (5), 319-325
DOI 10.1136/jech-2023-220693, PubMed 38302277
No association between long-chain n-3 fatty acid intake during pregnancy and risk of type 1 diabetes in offspring in two large Scandinavian pregnancy cohorts
Diabetologia, 67 (6), 1023-1028
DOI 10.1007/s00125-024-06125-4, PubMed 38502240
A pilot study of a virtually delivered dissonance-based eating disorder prevention program for young women with type 1 diabetes: within-subject changes over 6-month follow-up
Eat Disord, 32 (6), 686-702
DOI 10.1080/10640266.2024.2331391, PubMed 38511886
Treatment regimens and glycaemic outcomes in more than 100 000 children with type 1 diabetes (2013-22): a longitudinal analysis of data from paediatric diabetes registries
Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol, 13 (1), 47-56
DOI 10.1016/S2213-8587(24)00279-1, PubMed 39622257
Publications 2023
Personalised medicine for developmental disorders
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 143 (13)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.23.0351, PubMed 37753748
Do adolescents and emerging adults receive the diabetes care they truly need? A nationwide study of the quality of diabetes health care during the transition from paediatric to adult care
Diabet Med, 40 (7), e15091
DOI 10.1111/dme.15091, PubMed 36932850
Characterisation of HNF1A variants in paediatric diabetes in Norway using functional and clinical investigations to unmask phenotype and monogenic diabetes
Diabetologia, 66 (12), 2226-2237
DOI 10.1007/s00125-023-06012-4, PubMed 37798422
Publications 2022
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on long-term trends in the prevalence of diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis of paediatric type 1 diabetes: an international multicentre study based on data from 13 national diabetes registries
Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol, 10 (11), 786-794
DOI 10.1016/S2213-8587(22)00246-7, PubMed 36202118
Relation of Health-Related Quality of Life with Glycemic Control and Use of Diabetes Technology in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: Results from a National Population Based Study
J Diabetes Res, 2022, 8401328
DOI 10.1155/2022/8401328, PubMed 36387938
A collaborative comparison of international pediatric diabetes registries
Pediatr Diabetes, 23 (6), 627-640
DOI 10.1111/pedi.13362, PubMed 35561091
Nine-fold higher risk of acute myocardial infarction in subjects with type 1 diabetes compared to controls in Norway 1973-2017
Cardiovasc Diabetol, 21 (1), 59
DOI 10.1186/s12933-022-01498-5, PubMed 35477506
End-stage renal disease: incidence and prediction by coronary heart disease, and educational level. Follow-up from diagnosis of childhood-onset type 1 diabetes throughout Norway 1973-2017
Ann Epidemiol, 76, 181-187
DOI 10.1016/j.annepidem.2022.03.015, PubMed 35398254
Age-period-cohort modelling of type 1 diabetes incidence rates among children included in the EURODIAB 25-year follow-up study
Acta Diabetol, 60 (1), 73-82
DOI 10.1007/s00592-022-01977-x, PubMed 36205797
Publications 2021
Does Current Diabetes Technology Improve Metabolic Control? A Cross-Sectional Study on the Use of Insulin Pumps and Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices in a Nationwide Pediatric Population
Diabetes Ther, 12 (9), 2571-2583
DOI 10.1007/s13300-021-01127-6, PubMed 34389930
Serum Galectin-3 and Subsequent Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Subjects With Childhood-Onset Type 1 Diabetes: A Cohort Study
Diabetes Care, 44 (3), 810-816
DOI 10.2337/dc20-1712, PubMed 33408220
Prediction of Type 1 Diabetes at Birth: Cord Blood Metabolites vs Genetic Risk Score in the Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child Cohort
J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 106 (10), e4062-e4071
DOI 10.1210/clinem/dgab400, PubMed 34086903
Feasibility of a virtually delivered eating disorder prevention program for young females with type 1 diabetes
Int J Eat Disord, 54 (9), 1696-1706
DOI 10.1002/eat.23578, PubMed 34245038
Publications 2020
International benchmarking in type 1 diabetes: Large difference in childhood HbA1c between eight high-income countries but similar rise during adolescence-A quality registry study
Pediatr Diabetes, 21 (4), 621-627
DOI 10.1111/pedi.13014, PubMed 32249476
Temporal trends in diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis of paediatric type 1 diabetes between 2006 and 2016: results from 13 countries in three continents
Diabetologia, 63 (8), 1530-1541
DOI 10.1007/s00125-020-05152-1, PubMed 32382815
Development and validation of a questionnaire to assess young patients' experiences with diabetes care and transition
Acta Paediatr, 109 (10), 2057-2066
DOI 10.1111/apa.15205, PubMed 31998990
Maternal and child gluten intake and association with type 1 diabetes: The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study
PLoS Med, 17 (3), e1003032
DOI 10.1371/journal.pmed.1003032, PubMed 32119659
The DISABKIDS generic and diabetes-specific modules are valid but not directly comparable between Denmark, Sweden, and Norway
Pediatr Diabetes, 21 (5), 900-908
DOI 10.1111/pedi.13036, PubMed 32333631
The impact of psychological aspects, age, and BMI on eating disorder psychopathology among adult males and females with type 1 diabetes
Health Psychol Open, 7 (2), 2055102920975969
DOI 10.1177/2055102920975969, PubMed 33282331
Publications 2019
Center Size and Glycemic Control: An International Study With 504 Centers From Seven Countries
Diabetes Care, 42 (3), e37-e39
DOI 10.2337/dc18-1253, PubMed 30659071
Assessing awareness of hypoglycemia in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: Evaluation of established questionnaires
Pediatr Diabetes, 21 (2), 300-309
DOI 10.1111/pedi.12951, PubMed 31788937
The Adolescent Patient Experiences of Diabetes Care Questionnaire (APEQ-DC): Reliability and Validity in a Study Based on Data from the Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Registry
Patient Relat Outcome Meas, 10, 405-416
DOI 10.2147/PROM.S232166, PubMed 31920415
Associations between adolescent experiences, parent experiences and HbA1c: results following two surveys based on the Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Registry (NCDR)
BMJ Open, 9 (11), e032201
DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-032201, PubMed 31678954
Geographical variation in the incidence of type 1 diabetes in the Nordic countries: A study within NordicDiabKids
Pediatr Diabetes, 21 (2), 259-265
DOI 10.1111/pedi.12943, PubMed 31702838
Maternal microchimerism in cord blood and risk of childhood-onset type 1 diabetes
Pediatr Diabetes, 20 (6), 728-735
DOI 10.1111/pedi.12875, PubMed 31173445
Maternal and Newborn Vitamin D-Binding Protein, Vitamin D Levels, Vitamin D Receptor Genotype, and Childhood Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care, 42 (4), 553-559
DOI 10.2337/dc18-2176, PubMed 30692241
Disturbed eating, illness perceptions, and coping among adults with type 1 diabetes on intensified insulin treatment, and their associations with metabolic control
J Health Psychol, 26 (5), 688-700
DOI 10.1177/1359105319840688, PubMed 30939939
Psychometric properties and factor structure of the diabetes eating problem survey - revised (DEPS-R) among adult males and females with type 1 diabetes
J Eat Disord, 7, 2
DOI 10.1186/s40337-018-0232-0, PubMed 30675355
Publications 2018
Body mass index standard deviation score and obesity in children with type 1 diabetes in the Nordic countries. HbA1c and other predictors of increasing BMISDS
Pediatr Diabetes, 19 (7), 1198-1205
DOI 10.1111/pedi.12693, PubMed 29781227
A randomized comparison of three data collection models for the measurement of parent experiences with diabetes outpatient care
BMC Med Res Methodol, 18 (1), 95
DOI 10.1186/s12874-018-0557-z, PubMed 30236067
Effectiveness and safety of long-term treatment with sulfonylureas in patients with neonatal diabetes due to KCNJ11 mutations: an international cohort study
Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol, 6 (8), 637-646
DOI 10.1016/S2213-8587(18)30106-2, PubMed 29880308
Exploring Variation in Glycemic Control Across and Within Eight High-Income Countries: A Cross-sectional Analysis of 64,666 Children and Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care, 41 (6), 1180-1187
DOI 10.2337/dc17-2271, PubMed 29650804
Parent experiences of diabetes care questionnaire (PEQ-DC): reliability and validity following a national survey in Norway
BMC Health Serv Res, 18 (1), 774
DOI 10.1186/s12913-018-3591-y, PubMed 30314486
Paternal and maternal obesity but not gestational weight gain is associated with type 1 diabetes
Int J Epidemiol, 47 (2), 417-426
DOI 10.1093/ije/dyx266, PubMed 29415279
Parental Smoking and Risk of Childhood-onset Type 1 Diabetes
Epidemiology, 29 (6), 848-856
DOI 10.1097/EDE.0000000000000911, PubMed 30074542
Trends and cyclical variation in the incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes in 26 European centres in the 25 year period 1989-2013: a multicentre prospective registration study
Diabetologia, 62 (3), 408-417
DOI 10.1007/s00125-018-4763-3, PubMed 30483858
What can be done to prevent delayed diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in children?
Tidsskr. Nor. Laegeforen., 138 (6), 521-523
[What can be done to prevent delayed diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in children?]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 138 (6)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.17.0935, PubMed 29557136
Prenatal iron exposure and childhood type 1 diabetes
Sci Rep, 8 (1), 9067
DOI 10.1038/s41598-018-27391-4, PubMed 29899542
Antibiotics, acetaminophen and infections during prenatal and early life in relation to type 1 diabetes
Int J Epidemiol, 47 (5), 1538-1548
DOI 10.1093/ije/dyy092, PubMed 29868838
Lack of Association Between Maternal or Neonatal Vitamin D Status and Risk of Childhood Type 1 Diabetes: A Scandinavian Case-Cohort Study
Am J Epidemiol, 187 (6), 1174-1181
DOI 10.1093/aje/kwx361, PubMed 29186303
Prevalence of disturbed eating behavior and associated symptoms of anxiety and depression among adult males and females with type 1 diabetes
J Eat Disord, 6, 28
DOI 10.1186/s40337-018-0209-z, PubMed 30214804
Publications 2017
Incidence of severe hypoglycemia in children with type 1 diabetes in the Nordic countries in the period 2008-2012: association with hemoglobin A 1c and treatment modality
BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care, 5 (1), e000377
DOI 10.1136/bmjdrc-2016-000377, PubMed 28761652
Low Incidence of End-Stage Renal Disease in Childhood-Onset Type 1 Diabetes Followed for Up to 42 Years
Diabetes Care, 41 (3), 420-425
DOI 10.2337/dc17-0906, PubMed 29025877
Response to Comment on Gagnum et al. Long-term Mortality and End-Stage Renal Disease in a Type 1 Diabetes Population Diagnosed at Age 15-29 Years in Norway. Diabetes Care 2017;40:38-45
Diabetes Care, 40 (9), e125
DOI 10.2337/dci17-0018, PubMed 28830961
Infant Feeding and Risk of Type 1 Diabetes in Two Large Scandinavian Birth Cohorts
Diabetes Care, 40 (7), 920-927
DOI 10.2337/dc17-0016, PubMed 28487451
HLA class II alleles in Norwegian patients with coexisting type 1 diabetes and celiac disease
HLA, 89 (5), 278-284
DOI 10.1111/tan.12986, PubMed 28247576
Plasma immunological markers in pregnancy and cord blood: A possible link between macrophage chemo-attractants and risk of childhood type 1 diabetes
Am J Reprod Immunol, 79 (3)
DOI 10.1111/aji.12802, PubMed 29266506
Eating patterns in adolescents with type 1 diabetes: Associations with metabolic control, insulin omission, and eating disorder pathology
Appetite, 114, 226-231
DOI 10.1016/j.appet.2017.03.035, PubMed 28351671
Publications 2016
Glycemic control and complications in patients with type 1 diabetes - a registry-based longitudinal study of adolescents and young adults
Pediatr Diabetes, 18 (3), 188-195
DOI 10.1111/pedi.12372, PubMed 26875589
Causes of death in childhood-onset Type 1 diabetes: long-term follow-up
Diabet Med, 34 (1), 56-63
DOI 10.1111/dme.13114, PubMed 26996105
Long-term Mortality and End-Stage Renal Disease in a Type 1 Diabetes Population Diagnosed at Age 15-29 Years in Norway
Diabetes Care, 40 (1), 38-45
DOI 10.2337/dc16-1213, PubMed 27797927
Targeted next-generation sequencing reveals MODY in up to 6.5% of antibody-negative diabetes cases listed in the Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Registry
Diabetologia, 60 (4), 625-635
DOI 10.1007/s00125-016-4167-1, PubMed 27913849
Psychological barriers to optimal insulin therapy: more concerns in adolescent females than males
BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care, 4 (1), e000203
DOI 10.1136/bmjdrc-2016-000203, PubMed 27403325
Publications 2015
Ethnic differences in the incidence of type 1 diabetes in Norway: a register-based study using data from the period 2002-2009
Pediatr Diabetes, 17 (5), 337-41
DOI 10.1111/pedi.12294, PubMed 26111935
All-cause mortality in a nationwide cohort of childhood-onset diabetes in Norway 1973-2013
Diabetologia, 58 (8), 1779-86
DOI 10.1007/s00125-015-3623-7, PubMed 25972232
Infant Growth and Risk of Childhood-Onset Type 1 Diabetes in Children From 2 Scandinavian Birth Cohorts
JAMA Pediatr, 169 (12), e153759
DOI 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2015.3759, PubMed 26642117
Metabolic Control and Illness Perceptions in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes
J Diabetes Res, 2016, 3486094
DOI 10.1155/2016/3486094, PubMed 26682231
Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes--The Impact of Gender, Age, and Health-Related Functioning on Eating Disorder Psychopathology
PLoS One, 10 (11), e0141386
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0141386, PubMed 26529593
Publications 2014
Equal access to health care may diminish the differences in outcome between native and immigrant patients with type 1 diabetes
Pediatr Diabetes, 15 (7), 519-27
DOI 10.1111/pedi.12157, PubMed 24909643
Childhood diabetes in the Nordic countries: a comparison of quality registries
J Diabetes Sci Technol, 8 (4), 738-44
DOI 10.1177/1932296814531479, PubMed 24876421
Publications 2013
Health-related quality of life among Norwegian children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes on intensive insulin treatment: a population-based study
Acta Paediatr, 102 (9), 889-95
DOI 10.1111/apa.12312, PubMed 23738648
Prevalence of monogenic diabetes in the population-based Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Registry
Diabetologia, 56 (7), 1512-9
DOI 10.1007/s00125-013-2916-y, PubMed 23624530
Incidence of type 1 diabetes in Norway among children aged 0-14 years between 1989 and 2012: has the incidence stopped rising? Results from the Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Registry
Diabetologia, 57 (1), 57-62
DOI 10.1007/s00125-013-3090-y, PubMed 24149838
Psychometric properties, norms, and factor structure of the diabetes eating problem survey-revised in a large sample of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes
Diabetes Care, 36 (8), 2198-202
DOI 10.2337/dc12-2282, PubMed 23536586
Disturbed eating behavior and omission of insulin in adolescents receiving intensified insulin treatment: a nationwide population-based study
Diabetes Care, 36 (11), 3382-7
DOI 10.2337/dc13-0431, PubMed 23963896
Publications 2012
Reliability and validity of the Norwegian child and parent versions of the DISABKIDS Chronic Generic Module (DCGM-37) and Diabetes-Specific Module (DSM-10)
Health Qual Life Outcomes, 10, 19
DOI 10.1186/1477-7525-10-19, PubMed 22300248
Publications 2011
[Standardized hemoglobin A1C for diagnostic use?]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 131 (6), 565-6
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.10.1160, PubMed 21423304
Impact of ethnicity on gestational diabetes identified with the WHO and the modified International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups criteria: a population-based cohort study
Eur J Endocrinol, 166 (2), 317-24
DOI 10.1530/EJE-11-0866, PubMed 22108914
Publications 2010
The STORK Groruddalen research programme: A population-based cohort study of gestational diabetes, physical activity, and obesity in pregnancy in a multiethnic population. Rationale, methods, study population, and participation rates
Scand J Public Health, 38 (5 Suppl), 60-70
DOI 10.1177/1403494810378921, PubMed 21062840
Publications 2009
Type 1 - diabetes
In Medisinsk informasjon: kunnskapsbasert helsefaglig oppdatering, MEDLEX Norsk helseinformasjon, Oslo, årg. 23(2009)nr. 1, 31 s.
BIBSYS 091932777, ISBN 978-82-7841-565-8
Road traffic accident risk in patients with diabetes mellitus receiving blood glucose-lowering drugs. Prospective follow-up study
Diabet Med, 26 (4), 404-8
DOI 10.1111/j.1464-5491.2009.02699.x, PubMed 19388971
Publications 2007
The prognosis of children with type 1 diabetes in Norway: a 24-year follow-up study
In Series of dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Unipub, Oslo, no. 490, 1 b. (flere pag.)
BIBSYS 07066529x, ISBN 978-82-8072-858-6
Publications 2006
Science and art: in harmony
Pediatr Diabetes, 7 (6), 336-40
DOI 10.1111/j.1399-5448.2006.00211.x, PubMed 17212601
Low risk of overt nephropathy after 24 yr of childhood-onset type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) in Norway
Pediatr Diabetes, 7 (5), 239-46
DOI 10.1111/j.1399-5448.2006.00204.x, PubMed 17054444
Low cumulative incidence of proliferative retinopathy in childhood-onset type 1 diabetes: a 24-year follow-up study
Diabetologia, 49 (10), 2281-90
DOI 10.1007/s00125-006-0364-7, PubMed 16955208
Publications 2005
Long-term mortality in a nationwide cohort of childhood-onset type 1 diabetic patients in Norway
Diabetologia, 49 (2), 298-305
DOI 10.1007/s00125-005-0082-6, PubMed 16365724