Skin exposure assessment and occurrence of skin problems among workers recycling oil-drilling waste

Leader: Jose Hernán Alfonso

Participants: Kristine Haugen Anmarkrud, Pål Graff, Raymond Olsen, Shan Ziennoldinni, Sanja Kezic, Ivonne Jakasa.

Institutions: The National Institute of Occupational Health, Norway; University of Zagreb, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology; Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam & Dep. of Dermatology, Oslo University Hospital (OUS),

This project aims to assess the exposure to occupational skin hazards, its effect on the skin barrier, and  the occurrence of skin problems among employees recycling oil-drilling waste. We will also investigate individual vulnerability mechanisms (genetic and epigenetic mechanisms) that can explain the effect of oil drilling waste on the skin barrier. The project is fully financed by STAMI and includes collaboration with Denmark, the Netherlands and Croatia.

Website: Hudproblemer hos arbeidere som håndterer oljeboringsavfall - STAMI 


 Effects of biological exposure from the waste industry on the skin barrier

Leader: Jose Hernán AlfonsoPost-doc: Elke Eriksen

Participants: Pål Graff, Astrid Lossius, Eva Rehbinder.

Institutions: Dep. of Dermatology, Oslo University Hospital (OUS), Oslo, Norway, The National Institute of Occupational Health, Norway & National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Danmark.

The waste industry is constantly under development to meet future demands for sustainability. This project aims to get knowledge on biological exposures when handling waste, and the changes in the skin microbiome and the skin barrier of these employees. We investigate the composition of microorganisms in the working atmosphere, in the microbiome on the skin, skin barrier function, and the occurrence of work-related skin diseases in employees of the Norwegian waste industry. 

Website: Helseeffekter av biologisk eksponering i avfallsbransjen - prosjekt STAMI

Work-related psychosocial exposures and risk of skin problems

Leader: Jose Hernán Alfonso. PhD-student:  Randi Hovden Borge

Participants:  Håkon Johannessen

Institutions: : Dep. of Dermatology, Oslo University Hospital (OUS), Oslo, Norway & The National Institute of Occupational Health, Norway

Prospective cohort study where we study the association between psychosocial exposures at work and the risk of skin problems in Norwegian workers by using data from the Survey of Level of Living – Working Conditions (Statistics Norway).

Finger pulp blood flow in systemic sclerosis patients with digital ulcers treated with sympathetic blockade

We aim to study impact of Botulinum toxin A (Botox®) and plexus blockade on blood perfusion of the finger, the effect of Botox as treatment on ulcer healing and recurrence. Measurements of skin perfusion are made using Laser Doppler flux immediate before treatment, and 4 weeks after treatment.

Project leader: Tone Kristin Bergersen. Collaborators: Department of Rheumatology.


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