Research group Colorectal surgery

Group leader
We are mainly performing translational research on colorectal cancer in a multidisciplinary team with dedicated researchers from clinical medicine and biology covering many fields - colorectal surgery, hepatobiliary surgery, oncology, radiology, pathology and molecular biology. We have excellent cooperation with The Department of Molecular oncology and the The Micrometastases Laboratory at The Institute of Cancer research, OUS – Radium hospital
The specific aims are to develop new molecular diagnostic, prognostic, predictive and monitoring biomarkers.
In order to reach our goals we have collected and are continuously collecting (high quality procedure) fresh tumour tissue, formalin fixed tissue, normal tissue and blood/serum to large biobanks, together with high quality, comprehensive clinical datasets for colorectal primary cancer, colorectal liver metastases, blood and bone marrow from population based, unselected, large series of patients.
We are aiming at establishing even stronger national and international collaboration
We are also running several clinical research projects together with geriatricians on the prevalence of complications in elderly crc patients, and the aim is to establish geriatric assessment tools to estimate the risk of - and to establish methods to prevent - such complications
We are running other smaller projects on colorectal and anal diseases and we are partners in a project on health economy related to treatment of colorectal cancer.