Centre for Gynaecological CancerĀ 

The gynecological cancer section at Oslo University Hospital (OUS) is actively engaged in both clinical and basic research, with a strong focus on improving diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. 
Research Activities:
  • The centre is involved in international clinical trials and basic research.
  • They focus on refining diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for gynecological cancers, including uterine, cervical, ovarian, vaginal cancers, and choriocarcinoma
  • The centre operates a comprehensive treatment clinic that includes surgery, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and radiation therapy
  • They maintain a prospective biobank for gynecological cancer, systematically collecting tissue and fluids since 2017
  • Develop new therapeutic strategies for both early and metastatic gynecological cancers.
  • Contribute to more individualized and improved cancer treatments.
  • Enhance precision in selecting patients who do not require systemic adjuvant therapy.
  • Increase participation in international multicenter studies.