Computational Radiology & Artificial Intelligence (CRAI) Research Group

Atle Bjørnerud
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an emerging technology for performing fast and unsupervised analysis of radiological data – with the overall aim of reducing radiologist workload, improving diagnostic performance and thereby patient care. The CRAI research group at Oslo University Hospital was established in 2019 in response to the ongoing AI-driven paradigm-shift in diagnostic imaging. CRAI will act as a research hub within the Division of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, with research group members spanning a wide range disciplines and research areas but with a common interest in using AI and other advanced computational tools as an integral part of their research.
Our research is focused on AI-driven computational radiology methods, with the overreaching aim of developing tools which provide automated diagnostic support to the clinico-radiological community. CRAI further aims to establish the necessary IT infrastructure for efficient use of AI in radiology research. The group organises lectures on relevant topics in machine learning and participate in testing of potential AI-solutions for use in radiological practice.