Neuroendocrine tumors (NET)

Group leader
The term neuroendocrine tumors, is used to describe tumors arising from hormone-producing cells. Such cells are located in most of the body's organs. Neuroendocrine tumors are rare, with a prevalence of 75-150 new cases per year in Norway, the majority of those located in the intestines or pancreas.
Neuroendocrine tumors usually grow slowly and life prospects of those affected are usually better than for other cancers. The treatment differs somewhat from the treatment of other cancers partly because one often uses biological drugs (interferon, somatostatin) in addition to surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.
The group has varied research activity, tightly related to the clinical work at regional senter for neuroendocrine tumors and both national and international collaborations.
The research activity spans from genetic analysis of tumors, to understanding of risk factors, clinical trials testing new treatment, studies evaluating existing therapy as well as Quality of Life studies.