Asperger syndrome and substance use

Patients with co-occurring autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and substance use disorder (SUD) require special attention from clinical services. Screening for this co-occurrence is not generally an integral part of routine clinical assessments, and failure to identify and understand this group of patients may contribute to a worsening of their symptoms and/or an increase in drug abuse. There is a need to review the evidence and for research on interventions that take account of the special needs of this patient group. Aim: To review the literature and to explore experiences with a specialized clinical out-patient treatment.

Collaborators: Espen Ajo Arnevik (OUS), Sissel Helverschou (OUS)


  • Arnevik, Espen Ajo; Helverschou, Sissel Berge. (2016). Autism Spectrum Disorder and Co-occuring Substance Use Disorder - A Systematic Review. Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment (10) s. 69-75


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