Sandra Klonteig

  • Research assistant
  • +47 418 60 959

Publications 2021

Bjornebekk A, Kaufmann T, Hauger LE, Klonteig S, Hullstein IR, Westlye LT (2021)
Long-term Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Use Is Associated With Deviant Brain Aging
Biol. Psychiat.-Cogn. Neurosci. Neuroimag., 6 (5), 579-589
DOI 10.1016/j.bpsc.2021.01.001

Publications 2020

Elstad T, Ulleberg P, Klonteig S, Hisdal J, Dyrdal GM, Bjorndal A (2020)
The effects of yoga on student mental health: a randomised controlled trial
Health Psychol. Behav. Med., 8 (1), 573-585
DOI 10.1080/21642850.2020.1843466