Mantas Grigalavicius

  • Post doc; PhD
  • +47 22 78 19 88
Postdoctoral scholar in project PROTONIC sponsored by Helse Sor Ost

Publications 2023

Panagiotakis S, Mavroidi B, Athanasopoulos A, Gonçalves AR, Bugnicourt-Moreira L, Regagnon T, Boukos N, Charalambidis G, Coutsolelos AG, Grigalavicius M, Theodossiou TA, Berg K, Ladavière C, Pelecanou M, Yannakopoulou K (2023)
Small anticancer drug release by light: Photochemical internalization of porphyrin-β-cyclodextrin nanoparticles
Carbohydr Polym, 306, 120579
DOI 10.1016/j.carbpol.2023.120579, PubMed 36746578

Publications 2022

Ali M, Fulci G, Grigalavicius M, Pulli B, Li A, Wojtkiewicz GR, Wang C, Hsieh KL, Linnoila JJ, Theodossiou TA, Chen JW (2022)
Myeloperoxidase exerts anti-tumor activity in glioma after radiotherapy
Neoplasia, 26, 100779
DOI 10.1016/j.neo.2022.100779, PubMed 35247801

Grigalavicius M, Ezzatpanah S, Papakyriakou A, Raabe TTH, Yannakopoulou K, Theodossiou TA (2022)
5-ALA Is a Potent Lactate Dehydrogenase Inhibitor but Not a Substrate: Implications for Cell Glycolysis and New Avenues in 5-ALA-Mediated Anticancer Action
Cancers (Basel), 14 (16)
DOI 10.3390/cancers14164003, PubMed 36010996

Publications 2021

Christopoulos PF, Grigalavicius M, Corthay A, Berg K, Theodossiou TA (2021)
Reactive Species from Two-Signal Activated Macrophages Interfere with Their Oxygen Consumption Measurements
Antioxidants (Basel), 10 (7)
DOI 10.3390/antiox10071149, PubMed 34356382

Publications 2020

Grigalavicius M, Mastrangelopoulou M, Arous D, Juzeniene A, Ménard M, Skarpen E, Berg K, Theodossiou TA (2020)
Photodynamic Efficacy of Cercosporin in 3D Tumor Cell Cultures
Photochem Photobiol, 96 (3), 699-707
DOI 10.1111/php.13257, PubMed 32125700

Mastrangelopoulou M, Grigalavicius M, Raabe TH, Skarpen E, Juzenas P, Peng Q, Berg K, Theodossiou TA (2020)
Predictive biomarkers for 5-ALA-PDT can lead to personalized treatments and overcome tumor-specific resistances
Cancer Rep (Hoboken), 5 (12), e1278
DOI 10.1002/cnr2.1278, PubMed 32737955

Publications 2019

Grigalavicius M, Mastrangelopoulou M, Berg K, Arous D, Ménard M, Raabe-Henriksen T, Brondz E, Siem S, Görgen A, Edin NFJ, Malinen E, Theodossiou TA (2019)
Proton-dynamic therapy following photosensitiser activation by accelerated protons demonstrated through fluorescence and singlet oxygen production
Nat Commun, 10 (1), 3986
DOI 10.1038/s41467-019-12042-7, PubMed 31484929

Theodossiou TA, Ali M, Grigalavicius M, Grallert B, Dillard P, Schink KO, Olsen CE, Wälchli S, Inderberg EM, Kubin A, Peng Q, Berg K (2019)
Simultaneous defeat of MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 resistances by a hypericin PDT-tamoxifen hybrid therapy
NPJ Breast Cancer, 5, 13
DOI 10.1038/s41523-019-0108-8, PubMed 30993194

Publications 2018

Mastrangelopoulou M, Grigalavicius M, Berg K, Ménard M, Theodossiou TA (2018)
Cytotoxic and Photocytotoxic Effects of Cercosporin on Human Tumor Cell Lines
Photochem Photobiol, 95 (1), 387-396
DOI 10.1111/php.12997, PubMed 30107033

Publications 2017

Li X, Grigalavicius M, Li Y, Li X, Zhong Y, Huang R, Yu D, Berge V, Goscinski MA, Kvalheim G, Nesland JM, Suo Z (2017)
MtDNA depletion influences the transition of CD44 subtypes in human prostate cancer DU145 cells
Tumour Biol, 39 (8), 1010428317713671
DOI 10.1177/1010428317713671, PubMed 28789597

Li X, Han G, Li X, Kan Q, Fan Z, Li Y, Ji Y, Zhao J, Zhang M, Grigalavicius M, Berge V, Goscinski MA, Nesland JM, Suo Z (2017)
Mitochondrial pyruvate carrier function determines cell stemness and metabolic reprogramming in cancer cells
Oncotarget, 8 (28), 46363-46380
DOI 10.18632/oncotarget.18199, PubMed 28624784

Pudroma X, Duoji G, Grigalavicius M, Jie D, Juzeniene A (2017)
Molecular Mechanisms of UVA-Induced Melanoma
J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol, 36 (3), 217-228
DOI 10.1615/JEnvironPatholToxicolOncol.2017020213, PubMed 29283335

Publications 2016

Grigalavicius M, Iani V, Juzeniene A (2016)
Layer Thickness of SPF 30 Sunscreen and Formation of Pre-vitamin D
Anticancer Res, 36 (3), 1409-15
PubMed 26977044

Grigalavicius M, Juraleviciute M, Kwitniewski M, Juzeniene A (2016)
The influence of photodynamic therapy with 5-aminolevulinic acid on senescent skin cancer cells
Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther, 17, 29-34
DOI 10.1016/j.pdpdt.2016.10.008, PubMed 27777143

Juzeniene A, Grigalavicius M, Juraleviciute M, Grant WB (2016)
Phototherapy and vitamin D
Clin Dermatol, 34 (5), 548-55
DOI 10.1016/j.clindermatol.2016.05.004, PubMed 27638432

Juzeniene A, Grigalavicius M, Ma LW, Juraleviciute M (2016)
Folic acid and its photoproducts, 6-formylpterin and pterin-6-carboxylic acid, as generators of reactive oxygen species in skin cells during UVA exposure
J Photochem Photobiol B, 155, 116-21
DOI 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2016.01.001, PubMed 26780587

Publications 2015

Grigalavicius M, Moan J, Dahlback A, Juzeniene A (2015)
Vitamin D and ultraviolet phototherapy in Caucasians
J Photochem Photobiol B, 147, 69-74
DOI 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2015.03.009, PubMed 25846579

Grigalavicius M, Moan J, Dahlback A, Juzeniene A (2015)
Daily, seasonal, and latitudinal variations in solar ultraviolet A and B radiation in relation to vitamin D production and risk for skin cancer
Int J Dermatol, 55 (1), e23-8
DOI 10.1111/ijd.13065, PubMed 26547141

Juzeniene A, Baturaite Z, Lagunova Z, Grigalavicius M, Porojnicu AC, Bruland ØS, Moan J (2015)
Influence of multiple UV exposures on serum cobalamin and vitamin D levels in healthy females
Scand J Public Health, 43 (3), 324-30
DOI 10.1177/1403494815572206, PubMed 25740614

Publications 2014

Juzeniene A, Grigalavicius M, Baturaite Z, Moan J (2014)
Minimal and maximal incidence rates of skin cancer in Caucasians estimated by use of sigmoidal UV dose-incidence curves
Int J Hyg Environ Health, 217 (8), 839-44
DOI 10.1016/j.ijheh.2014.06.002, PubMed 25023193

Moan J, Grigalavicius M, Baturaite Z, Dahlback A, Juzeniene A (2014)
The relationship between UV exposure and incidence of skin cancer
Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed, 31 (1), 26-35
DOI 10.1111/phpp.12139, PubMed 25213656

Moan J, Grigalavicius M, Dahlback A, Baturaite Z, Juzeniene A (2014)
Ultraviolet-radiation and health: optimal time for sun exposure
Adv Exp Med Biol, 810, 423-8
PubMed 25207380

Publications 2013

Grigalavicius M, Juzeniene A, Baturaite Z, Dahlback A, Moan J (2013)
Biologically efficient solar radiation: Vitamin D production and induction of cutaneous malignant melanoma
Dermatoendocrinol, 5 (1), 150-8
DOI 10.4161/derm.22941, PubMed 24494048

Moan J, Baturaite Z, Grigalavicius M, Juzeniene A (2013)
Cutaneous malignant melanoma incidence rates in Norway
Scand J Public Health, 41 (4), 336-9
DOI 10.1177/1403494813479216, PubMed 23439631

Moan J, Grigalavicius M, Baturaite Z, Juzeniene A, Dahlback A (2013)
North-South gradients of melanomas and non-melanomas: A role of vitamin D?
Dermatoendocrinol, 5 (1), 186-91
DOI 10.4161/derm.23791, PubMed 24494053

Moan JE, Baturaite Z, Grigalavicius M, Juzeniene A (2013)
Sunbed use and cutaneous melanoma in Norway
Scand J Public Health, 41 (8), 812-7
DOI 10.1177/1403494813496601, PubMed 23907734

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