Marte Wendel-Haga
- Consultant of neurology; MD, PhD
Address: Oslo University Hospital, Research Unit for Neuroscience, Domus Medica II, 2nd floor, L-268, Gaustadalleen 34, 0372 Oslo
Marte Wendel Gustavsen has a medical degree from the University of Oslo (2009).
Title: "Clinical and molecular characterization of multiple sclerosis (MS)".
The focus of the project is to identify genetic and environmental factors contributing to susceptibility and clinical characteristics of MS.
Main supervisor: Hanne F. Harbo (MD, PhD)
Co-supervisors: Tone Berge (MSc, PhD) and Benedicte A. Lie (MSc, PhD, Professor at Department of Medical Genetics, Oslo University Hospital)
Research interests:
Environmental risk factors in MS
Genotype-phenotype analyses
Clinical aspects of MS
Publications 2020
Pregnancy does not modify the risk of MS in genetically susceptible women
Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm, 7 (6)
DOI 10.1212/NXI.0000000000000898, PubMed 33037103
Publications 2019
Neurodegenerative Interplay of Cardiovascular Autonomic Dysregulation and the Retina in Early Multiple Sclerosis
Front Neurol, 10, 507
DOI 10.3389/fneur.2019.00507, PubMed 31156539
Publications 2017
Fatigue and cognition: Pupillary responses to problem-solving in early multiple sclerosis patients
Brain Behav, 7 (7), e00717
DOI 10.1002/brb3.717, PubMed 28729927
The interaction between smoking and HLA genes in multiple sclerosis: replication and refinement
Eur J Epidemiol, 32 (10), 909-919
DOI 10.1007/s10654-017-0250-2, PubMed 28597127
Is the hygiene hypothesis relevant for the risk of multiple sclerosis?
Acta Neurol Scand, 136 Suppl 201, 26-30
DOI 10.1111/ane.12844, PubMed 29068485
Publications 2015
Genome-wide DNA methylation profiles indicate CD8+ T cell hypermethylation in multiple sclerosis
PLoS One, 10 (3), e0117403
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0117403, PubMed 25734800
Genetic variants are major determinants of CSF antibody levels in multiple sclerosis
Brain, 138 (Pt 3), 632-43
DOI 10.1093/brain/awu405, PubMed 25616667
Multiple Sclerosis Risk Allele in CLEC16A Acts as an Expression Quantitative Trait Locus for CLEC16A and SOCS1 in CD4+ T Cells
PLoS One, 10 (7), e0132957
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0132957, PubMed 26203907
A Longitudinal Study of Disability, Cognition and Gray Matter Atrophy in Early Multiple Sclerosis Patients According to Evidence of Disease Activity
PLoS One, 10 (8), e0135974
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0135974, PubMed 26280173
Publications 2014
Retinoic acid enhances the levels of IL-10 in TLR-stimulated B cells from patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
J Neuroimmunol, 278, 11-8
DOI 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2014.11.019, PubMed 25595247
Environmental exposures and the risk of multiple sclerosis investigated in a Norwegian case-control study
BMC Neurol, 14, 196
DOI 10.1186/s12883-014-0196-x, PubMed 25274070
Oligoclonal band phenotypes in MS differ in their HLA class II association, while specific KIR ligands at HLA class I show association to MS in general
J Neuroimmunol, 274 (1-2), 174-9
DOI 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2014.06.024, PubMed 25037176
Publications 2013
Oligoclonal bands and age at onset correlate with genetic risk score in multiple sclerosis
Mult Scler, 20 (6), 660-8
DOI 10.1177/1352458513506503, PubMed 24099750
Oligoclonal band status in Scandinavian multiple sclerosis patients is associated with specific genetic risk alleles
PLoS One, 8 (3), e58352
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0058352, PubMed 23472185