Support from Horizon 2020

The Research Council of Norway reports that Norway exceeds two per cent share of Horizon 2020 contribution for the first time.  Figures from the EU show a steady increase in the number of Norwegian projects with successful proposals. “It would appear that Norwegian applicants have cracked the code and that we’re now surging ahead,” states John-Arne Røttingen, Chief Executive of the Research Council.
Of the more than 10 mill Euro going to Norwegian health authorities Oslo University Hospital receive 7.9 mill Euro and Helse Bergen 1.6 mill Euro.

Senior scientist Espen Remme at the Institute for Surgical Research has in collaboration with the Intervention Centre secured a project titled Personalised In-silico Cardiology under Horizon 2020.

Project acronym: PIC

Project leader OUS: Espen Remme

Improving healthcare systems mandates a shift towards personalised and preventive management of disease. Specifically, the management of cardiovascular diseases has a huge impact on European society in terms of mortality, morbidity and healthcare costs, being responsible for 1.9 million deaths in the EU annually (42% of all deaths) with a total cost of €169 billion. Advances in computational and simulation technologies now provide us with unparalleled capacity to analyse clinical data in-silico, rendering the vision of an early detection of disease through model-based diagnostic biomarkers, and the design of personalised therapies through predictive models. In-silico methodologies enable the optimization of clinical protocols, from data acquisition to device parameters and intervention choices. In-silico tools also enable the reduction of animal use in the development of novel cardiac therapies and drugs. PIC is the European ITN that will train the cohort of 15 of the future innovation leaders able to articulate and materialise the vision of a Personalised In-silico Cardiology (PIC).

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