Clinical cardiology The role of inflammatory and immunological factors in cardiovascular disease

Group leader
The group has a broad research focus, with main emphasis being on initiating and conducting proof-of-concept studies and testing ideas in well-controlled randomized studies.
We focus heavily on the role of inflammatory and other active peptides in the development of heart disease, primarily related to the development of heart failure. We also conduct testing of different biomarkers in blood to find their role in diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic treatment of various cardiovascular diseases.
Ongoing “proof of concept” studies:
The following randomized controlled studies are ongoing.
- Effect of high-intensity exercise training in de novo heart transplant patients;
- Effect of treatment of sleep apnoe with CPAP on paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
- Effect of antibiotics and probioticum on myocardial remodeling in heart failure: The GUT HEART study.
- Effect of an interleuckin-6 blocker on myocardial infarct size in patients with acute myocardial infarction
- Effect of iron supplementation in patients with severe aortic stenosis