Tor Magnus Smedman
- Consultant; MD, PhD
Consulting oncologist in Transplant Oncology Research group, led by Pål Dag Line
Publications 2023
Long-Term Survival, Prognostic Factors, and Selection of Patients With Colorectal Cancer for Liver Transplant: A Nonrandomized Controlled Trial
JAMA Surg, 158 (9), e232932
DOI 10.1001/jamasurg.2023.2932, PubMed 37494056
Publications 2022
PET-Uptake in Liver Metastases as Method to Predict Tumor Biological Behavior in Patients Transplanted for Colorectal Liver Metastases Developing Lung Recurrence
Cancers (Basel), 14 (20)
DOI 10.3390/cancers14205042, PubMed 36291826
Health-Related Quality of Life in Colorectal Cancer Patients Treated With Liver Transplantation Compared to Chemotherapy
Transpl Int, 35, 10404
DOI 10.3389/ti.2022.10404, PubMed 35707633
Publications 2021
Treatment of relapse and survival outcomes after liver transplantation in patients with colorectal liver metastases
Transpl Int, 34 (11), 2205-2213
DOI 10.1111/tri.13995, PubMed 34792825
Publications 2020
Liver transplantation for unresectable colorectal liver metastases in patients and donors with extended criteria (SECA-II arm D study)
BJS Open, 4 (3), 467-477
DOI 10.1002/bjs5.50278, PubMed 32333527
Publications 2019
Transplant oncology: assessment of response and tolerance to systemic chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer after liver transplantation - a retrospective study
Transpl Int, 32 (11), 1144-1150
DOI 10.1111/tri.13471, PubMed 31209941
Publications 2018
Graft rejection after immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy in solid organ transplant recipients
Acta Oncol, 57 (10), 1414-1418
DOI 10.1080/0284186X.2018.1479069, PubMed 29912605