Tropé meeting December 2019

Welcome to the 10th Tropé meeting on updates and controversies in Gynecologic Oncology. This meeting would not have been possible without the generous support of the Inger and John Fredriksen foundation for ovarian cancer research.

Promo-video for this years meeting:

Program for the meeting

10th Tropé meeting,
Friday December 6th 2019

Program for course

Advanced course in cytoreductive surgery for ovarian cancer, December 4th and 5th 2019

Click to open program
Click to open course program (PDF format), right-click to download

Link to registration form

Welcome to the 10th Tropé meeting on updates and controversies in Gynecologic Oncology. This meeting would not have been possible without the generous support of the Inger and John Fredriksen foundation for ovarian cancer research.

We are very excited to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of this meeting in its current form. As part of this celebration we honor Professors Kolstad and Tropé, and the impact they have had on improving the diagnosis and treatment of women with gynecologic malignancies in Norway, and beyond. We recognize that the battle against cancer should be an international, collaborative effort and are very proud that this year also marks our first joint Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Norwegian Radium Hospital meeting. This is reflected in the scientific program, with a strong presence from colleagues from MSKCC. Our two institutions have enjoyed long-lasting friendships and visits over the years, and we are grateful to Dr. Nadeem Abu-Rustum, Chief of the Gynecology service at MSKCC, and his team for this partnership.

The 10th Tropé lecture, “Recent advances in targeted therapies for gynecologic cancer, and considerations for the future”, will be held by Professor Ignace Vergote. We look forward with anticipation to this timely lecture as we enter an era of personalized medicine also for women with gynecologic malignancies. We are thankful for Professor Vergote’s participation not only during today’s meeting, but also for his friendship and as a collaborator over many decades.

There are many hot topics in our field today; novel findings regarding cancer and the microbiome, liquid biopsy and CAR T-Cell will be presented during this meeting as well as surgical advances such as SLN biopsy in ovarian cancer and the changing landscape in surgical management of early stage cervical cancer. We are committed to all phases of caring for women with gynecologic cancer and are therefore pleased to include a talk on end-of life care in gynecologic cancer. Our pro-con debates are always enjoyable, and we very much look forward to a Europe vs USA battle on “To bowel-prep or not to bowel prep, that’s the question”!

Welcome to this exciting meeting. We hope that you will find it both interesting and informative, and that it will shed light on current practice and hot topics in gynecologic oncology.

Claes Tropé, Ane Gerda Z Eriksson, Ginger J Gardner & Kara Long Roche
Course Directors

Claes Tropé
Ane Gerda Z Eriksson
Ginger J Gardner
Kara Long Roche


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