Jose Hernán Alfonso

  • Senior Dermatologist, Researcher; MD, PhD

Foto credit: Joachim Adrian

Research Interests: Occupational and environmental dermatology, contact allergy, eczema, urticaria, skin barrier function, skin cancer, preventive dermatology

Websites & social links


-Specialist in dermatology and venereology

-Specialist in occupational medicine

-PhD in occupational dermatology and epidemiology

-Medical doctor


-Senior dermatologist/Researcher. Department of Dermatology, Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet

-Senior occupational physician/Research professor. Department of occupational medicine and epidemiology. National Institute of Occupational Health, Norway

Invited positions

-Chair, Scientific committee on occupational and environmental dermatoses. International Commission on Occupational Health

-Leader, Scientific Committee Norwegian Association of Dermatology and Venereology


Prizes and Awards:

- 2023. Sanofi research prize for project: “Skin sensitization from mixture exposures in atopic dermatitis”.

- 2023. Wiley. Most cited article in Contact Dermatitis 2021-2022: -Guidelines for diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of hand eczema. Contact Dermatitis DOI: 10.1111/cod.14035

- 2023. Wiley. Most downloaded article in Contact Dermatitis 2021-2022: Guidelines for diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of hand eczema. Contact Dermatitis DOI: 10.1111/cod.14035

- 2021: Editor`s choice British Journal of Dermatology: Occupation and cutaneous melanoma: a 45‐year historical cohort study of 14·9 million people in five Nordic countries. DOI: 10.1111/bjd.19379

- 2019: Research prize, Norwegian Association of Dermatology and Venereology for best publication to a young dermatologist.

-2016: Research prize, Norwegian Association of Occupational Medicine: Oslo, NO


Member of societies

European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology

European Society of Contact Dermatitis and Cutaneous Allergy

International Commission on Occupational Health

Norwegian Association of Dermatology and Venereology

Norwegian Association of Occupational Medicine

Norwegian Medical Association

Argentinean Society of Dermatology


Research projects:

Risk assessment of skin sensitizers in European Union  - PARC – Partnership for Assessment of Risk of Chemicals

Leader: Jose Hernán Alfonso (NO) & Prof. Jeanne Duus Johansen (DK). Ph.D. student: Mathias Krogh Pedersen.

Institutions: The National Allergy Center. Department of Allergy, Dermatology and Venereology, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark; The National Institute of Occupational Health, Norway; Department of Environmental Science, Stockholm; Swiss Centre for Applied Human Toxicology, Switzerland & Department of Dermatology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway.

The EU project Partnership for Assessment of Risks from Chemicals - PARC - aims to promote research, share knowledge and improve methods in chemical risk assessment.

This specific project aims to investigate current regulatory practice regarding risk assessment of skin sensitizing chemicals. Information on risk assessment methods, monitoring of skin sensitizing chemicals as well as areas for improvement in current regulations and methods for risk assessment is collected and systematised. Among other things, the project will facilitate the transition to the development and use of so-called "next generation risk assessment", in order to better protect the workers' health from skin-damaging substances.

The project includes collaboration with the National Allergy Center, Gentofte Hospital, Denmark and the National Institute of Occupational Health, Norway (STAMI).

Website: PARC - Partnership for Assessment of Risk of Chemicals - STAMI


YRKESDERM – Development of an occupational dermatology outpatient clinic at Oslo University Hospital

Leader: Jose Hernán Alfonso

Participants: Ingvild Sandven, Teresa Løvold Berents, Hilde Heiro, Jan-Øivind Holm.

Institutions: Dep. of Dermatology, Oslo University Hospital (OUS), Oslo, Norway; Dep. of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Medicin, OUS; Regional Centre for Asthma, Allergy and Other Hypersensitivity, OUS & The National Institute of Occupational Health, Norway

 Work-related skin diseases are the most costly work-related diseases in Europe. Early diagnosis, crucial to avoid chronicity and work disability, requires multidisciplinary collaboration between dermatologists and occupational medicine and access to specialized tests.

We have implemented a multidisciplinary and coordinated occupational dermatology outpatient clinic with occupational medicine, a dermatologist and occupational hygienist since autumn 2022.

This polyclinic has access to highly specialized contact allergy testing and is a good interdisciplinary arena where registrars specializing in dermatology and occupational medicine can achieve all learning objectives in environmental and occupational dermatology.

The project includes cooperation with the Department of environmental and occupational medicine, OUS, Ullevål, STAMI, and with the National Allergy Center, Gentofte Hospital, Denmark


Skin sensitization from mixture exposures in atopic dermatitis

Leader: Jose Hernán Alfonso

Participants: Astrid Lossius, Teresa Løvold Berents, Steen Mollerup

Institutions: Dep. of Dermatology, Oslo University Hospital (OUS), Oslo, Norway; Dep. of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Medicine; Regional Centre for Asthma, Allergy and Other Hypersensitivity, OUS & The National Institute of Occupational Health, Norway

This project aims to explore the suitability of new approach methods and a 3D skin model to assess the risk of skin sensitization and the development of allergic contact dermatitis from mixed exposures in atopic dermatitis.


Occupational skin cancer

Leader: Jose Hernán Alfonso

Participants: Kristina Kjærheim, Jo Stenehjem,  Bendik Brinchmann, Prof. Swen Malte John, Alberto Modenese

Institutions: Dep. of Dermatology, Oslo University Hospital (OUS); The National Institute of Occupational Health, Norway; International Commission on Occupational Health & The Cancer Registry of Norway.

This project aims to the associations between occupation and risk of keratinocytes and melanocytic skin and mucosal cancers for the purposes of the recognition of skin cancer as an occupational disease and effective primary and secondary prevention.


Skin exposure assessment and occurrence of skin problems among workers recycling oil-drilling waste

Leader: Jose Hernán Alfonso

Participants: Kristine Haugen Anmarkrud, Pål Graff, Raymond Olsen, Shan Ziennoldinni, Sanja Kezic, Ivonne Jakasa.

Institutions: The National Institute of Occupational Health, Norway; University of Zagreb, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology; Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam & Dep. of Dermatology, Oslo University Hospital (OUS),

This project aims to assess the exposure to occupational skin hazards, its effect on the skin barrier, and  the occurrence of skin problems among employees recycling oil-drilling waste. We will also investigate individual vulnerability mechanisms (genetic and epigenetic mechanisms) that can explain the effect of oil drilling waste on the skin barrier. The project is fully financed by STAMI and includes collaboration with Denmark, the Netherlands and Croatia.

Website: Hudproblemer hos arbeidere som håndterer oljeboringsavfall - STAMI 


Effects of biological exposure from the waste industry on the skin barrier

Leader: Jose Hernán AlfonsoPost-doc: Elke Eriksen

Participants: Pål Graff, Astrid Lossius, Eva Rehbinder.

Institutions: Dep. of Dermatology, Oslo University Hospital (OUS), Oslo, Norway, The National Institute of Occupational Health, Norway & National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Danmark.

The waste industry is constantly under development to meet future demands for sustainability. This project aims to get knowledge on biological exposures when handling waste, and the changes in the skin microbiome and the skin barrier of these employees. We investigate the composition of microorganisms in the working atmosphere, in the microbiome on the skin, skin barrier function, and the occurrence of work-related skin diseases in employees of the Norwegian waste industry. 

Website: Helseeffekter av biologisk eksponering i avfallsbransjen - prosjekt STAMI


Work-related psychosocial exposures and risk of skin problems

Leader: Jose Hernán Alfonso. PhD-student:  Randi Hovden Borge

Participants:  Håkon Johannessen

Institutions: : Dep. of Dermatology, Oslo University Hospital (OUS), Oslo, Norway & The National Institute of Occupational Health, Norway

Prospective cohort study where we study the association between psychosocial exposures at work and the risk of skin problems in Norwegian workers by using data from the Survey of Level of Living – Working Conditions (Statistics Norway).






Publications 2025

Krogh Pedersen M, Schwensen JFB, Alfonso JH, Mollerup S, Selvestrel G, Rudén C, Wilks MF, Johansen JD (2025)
Legislation and Current Practices Concerning Risk Assessment of Skin Sensitizers in the European Union: A Comparative and Survey Study
Contact Dermatitis (in press)
DOI 10.1111/cod.14754, PubMed 39917955

Publications 2024

Bratteland NMA, Ervik TK, Alfonso JH (2024)
Allergic contact dermatitis to zinc caused by silver ring splint: Exposure assessment with scanning electron microscope
Contact Dermatitis, 91 (4), 344-346
DOI 10.1111/cod.14598, PubMed 38797988

Mikalsen SE, Gramstad OR, Alfonso JH (2024)
Allergic contact dermatitis from titanium secondary to surgical brow lift: A case-report with 4-year follow-up
Contact Dermatitis, 91 (4), 358-360
DOI 10.1111/cod.14620, PubMed 38845226

Vestli C, Bassarova A, Alfonso JH (2024)
Rapidly progressing scalp melanoma in an elderly patient
Skin Health Dis, 4 (5), e431
DOI 10.1002/ski2.431, PubMed 39355733

Publications 2023

Sidhu A, Holm JØ, Bergersen TK, Alfonso JH (2023)
Prevalence and clinical outcome of contact allergy to methylisothiazolinone/methylchloroisothiazolinone in Southern-East Norway: A retrospective case-study
Contact Dermatitis, 88 (6), 499-501
DOI 10.1111/cod.14308, PubMed 36942378

Østerhus IN, Lier T, Steineger JE, Martinsen KHB, Aronsen HH, Alfonso JH (2023)
[A child with periorbital swelling]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 143 (4)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.22.0434, PubMed 36919299

Publications 2022

Brinchmann BC, Bugge MD, Nordby KC, Alfonso JH (2022)
Firefighting and melanoma, epidemiological and toxicological associations: a case report
Occup Med (Lond), 72 (2), 142-144
DOI 10.1093/occmed/kqab183, PubMed 35064261

Thyssen JP, Schuttelaar MLA, Alfonso JH, Andersen KE, Angelova-Fischer I, Arents BWM, Bauer A, Brans R, Cannavo A, Christoffers WA, Crépy MN, Elsner P, Fartasch M, Filon FL, Giménez-Arnau AM, Gonçalo M, Guzmán-Perera MG, Hamann CR, Hoetzenecker W, Johansen JD, John SM, Kunkeler ACM, Hadzavdic SL, Molin S, Nixon R et al. (2022)
Guidelines for diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of hand eczema
Contact Dermatitis, 86 (5), 357-378
DOI 10.1111/cod.14035, PubMed 34971008

Publications 2021

Tamminga SJ, Kuijer PPFM, Badarin K, Alfonso JH, Amaro J, Curti S, Canu IG, Mattioli S, Mehlum IS, Rempel D, Roquelaure Y, Visser S, van der Molen HF (2021)
Towards harmonisation of case definitions for eight work-related musculoskeletal disorders - an international multi-disciplinary Delphi study
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 22 (1), 1018
DOI 10.1186/s12891-021-04871-9, PubMed 34863143

van der Molen HF, Visser S, Alfonso JH, Curti S, Mattioli S, Rempel D, Roquelaure Y, Kuijer PPFM, Tamminga SJ (2021)
Diagnostic criteria for musculoskeletal disorders for use in occupational healthcare or research: a scoping review of consensus- and synthesised-based case definitions
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 22 (1), 169
DOI 10.1186/s12891-021-04031-z, PubMed 33573616

Publications 2019

Alfonso JH, Berents TL (2019)
[Work-related hand eczema]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 139 (10)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.19.0395, PubMed 31238660

Alfonso JH, Johannessen HA (2019)
Self-reported skin problems and the healthy worker effect in the general working population of Norway: a three-year prospective study
Scand J Work Environ Health, 45 (5), 450-457
DOI 10.5271/sjweh.3810, PubMed 30826843

Kvam MS, Alfonso JH, Berents TL, Randem BG, Stylianou E (2019)
Work-related hand eczema
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 139 (3)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.18.0213, PubMed 30754949

Kvam MS, Alfonso JH, Berents TL, Randem BG, Stylianou E (2019)
[Correction: Work-related hand eczema]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 139 (4)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.19.0125, PubMed 30808096

Publications 2017

Alfonso JH, Sandvik A, John SM (2017)
Occupational skin cancer: sweeping the path to prevention
Occup Med (Lond), 67 (5), 328-330
DOI 10.1093/occmed/kqw180, PubMed 28838221

Friis UF, Goosens A, Giménez-Arnau AM, Lidén C, Giménez-Arnau E, White IR, Alfonso JH, Uter W, Johansen JD (2017)
Self-testing for contact allergy to hair dyes - a 5-year follow-up multicentre study
Contact Dermatitis, 78 (2), 131-138
DOI 10.1111/cod.12882, PubMed 28961320

Mahler V, Aalto-Korte K, Alfonso JH, Bakker JG, Bauer A, Bensefa-Colas L, Boman A, Bourke J, Bubaš M, Bulat P, Chaloupka J, Constandt L, Danielsen TE, Darlenski R, Dugonik A, Ettler K, Gimenez-Arnau A, Gonçalo M, Johansen JD, John SM, Kiec-Swierczynska M, Koch P, Kohánka V, Krecisz B, Larese Filon F et al. (2017)
Occupational skin diseases: actual state analysis of patient management pathways in 28 European countries
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, 31 Suppl 4, 12-30
DOI 10.1111/jdv.14316, PubMed 28656731

Publications 2016

Alfonso JH, Martinsen JI, Pukkala E, Weiderpass E, Tryggvadottir L, Nordby KC, Kjærheim K (2016)
Occupation and relative risk of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC): A 45-year follow-up study in 4 Nordic countries
J Am Acad Dermatol, 75 (3), 548-555
DOI 10.1016/j.jaad.2016.03.033, PubMed 27262759

Alfonso JH, Tynes T, Thyssen JP, Holm JØ, Johannessen HA (2016)
Self-reported Occupational Skin Exposure and Risk of Physician-certified Long-term Sick Leave: A Prospective Study of the General Working Population of Norway
Acta Derm Venereol, 96 (3), 336-40
DOI 10.2340/00015555-2253, PubMed 26439508

Skogstad M, Lunde LK, Skare Ø, Mamen A, Alfonso JH, Øvstebø R, Ulvestad B (2016)
Physical activity initiated by employer and its health effects; an eight week follow-up study
BMC Public Health, 16, 377
DOI 10.1186/s12889-016-3035-8, PubMed 27146485

Publications 2015

Alfonso JH, Danielsen TE, Holm JØ (2015)
[Re: The working environment continues to cause illness]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 135 (1), 10-1
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.14.1489, PubMed 25589104

Alfonso JH, Løvseth EK, Samant Y, Holm JØ (2015)
Work-related skin diseases in Norway may be underreported: data from 2000 to 2013
Contact Dermatitis, 72 (6), 409-12
DOI 10.1111/cod.12355, PubMed 25693628

Alfonso JH, Thyssen JP, Tynes T, Mehlum IS, Johannessen HA (2015)
Self-reported occupational exposure to chemical and physical factors and risk of skin problems: a 3-year follow-up study of the general working population of Norway
Acta Derm Venereol, 95 (8), 959-62
DOI 10.2340/00015555-2135, PubMed 25941012