COVID-19 in Pregnancy, Childbirth and Puerperium (COVID-Preg-ChiP Study)


Efforts to reduce the burden of morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 could have a major global impact. The current scientific gaps concerning COVID-19 are many, but WHO point out several gaps of knowledge that have to be filled. According to WHO’s Coordinated Global Research Roadmap theses gaps are:

  • Spectrum of clinical disease
  • Risk factors and pathophysiology of severe disease
  • Modes and duration of virus transmission
  • Clinical prognosis associated with viral properties, loads and immunomarkers
  • Potential for antibody dependent enhancements to disease/infection
  • Strength and duration of humoral and cellular immunity
  • Optimal strategies for supportive care and therapeutics for COVID-19 patients
  • Risk factors for health care workers’ exposure

The proposed project will address these knowledge gaps in work packages (WPs) with the overall objectives given below.

The COVID-Preg-ChiP study is planned to recruit pregnant COVID-19 cases at Oslo University Hospital, where approximately 20% of children in Norway are born. This project will provide high quality data from a large pregnancy cohort in the geographical hotspot for COVID-19 in this country, which is important when looking for rare outcomes.

This proposed project is a subproject to the Norwegian SARS-CoV-2 study, which is currently running at Oslo University Hospital. The Norwegian SARS-CoV-2 study is designed as a multicentre hospital-based cohort study that will allow us to analyse the disease outcome in relation to risk factors and intervention in a large material across institutions. Also, compilation of large amounts of clinical data will provide the means for assessing also more uncommon manifestations. We plan to invite all hospitals participating in the main Norwegian SARS-CoV-2 study to become research partners in the COVID-Preg-ChiP project.

Project leader:

Vasileios Sitras