Prevalence, referral, and treatment of Selective Mutism in Norway:  A national linkage-study with data from the Norwegian Patient Registry and the Norwegian Prescription Database (2023-ongoing)

Project leader: Beate Ørbeck
Link OUS: Selective Mutism - Oslo universitetssykehus (

Participants: Beate Ørbeck og Kristin R Øvergaard

The core symptom of the anxiety disorder selective mutism (SM) is absence of speech in specific situations, such as at school. Often lack of communication (mimicry, gestures) is also present in situations where the children are mute and hinder them in getting help, if needed. SM is a serios condition, often with comorbid disorders. It leads to social and academic problems and might last until adulthood, unless treatment is offered.

The aim of the research project is to examine the clinical prevalence, referral, and treatment of SM in Norway, as such national studies are lacking. Despite international agreement on the recommended treatment for SM, national guidelines are missing, and there is no national competence center, as there is for Autism, another serious condition with about the same prevalence as SM. Knowledge on pharmacological treatment of Norway is lacking in Norway.

The project will increase our clinical knowledge about SM and its treatment and has the potential to contribute to the developing of national treatment guidelines and possibly establishing of a national competence center.

The project was initiated by BupForsk, and collaborates with two experts on SM; Hanne Kristensen MD, Phd, Norway, and Katharina Manassis, MD, PhD, Canada. The data material will be available for analysis from 2024.

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