Research at the Division of Head, Neck and Reconstructive Surgery

Morten C. Moe
Head of research
The clinic is a large unit within treatment and research on the disciplines of eye, ear, nose and throat as well as plastic and reconstructive surgery.
In addition to being responsible for education and graduation, research activity is central to the clinic’s objective of being at the leading edge of development in all of these areas.
Five research groups are connected to the clinic and several research projects are established, including a number of doctoral projects.
Research groups:Under the Department of Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery: Cochlear implant, hearing and ear surgery. Group leader: Marte Myhrum HPV and Head and Neck. Group leader: Harriet Akre |
Under the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Group leader: Kim A Tønseth Vascular Anomalies Research Group. Group leader: Charles Filip |
Under the Department of Ophthalmology: Center for Eye Research / Senter for Øyeforskning. Group leader: Goran Petrovski Clinical Retinal Research. Group leader: Ragnheidur Bragadottir The Interprofessional Research group of children’s Surgical department (InteRSurg). Group leader: Anja Hetland Smeland |