Mini CV Helana Edlund



Helena Edlund

Umeå Centre for Molecular Medicine,
Umeå University, Sweden,

1983                       B.S., in Molecular Biology at Umeå University,
1991                       Ph. D. in Molecular Biology at Umeå University.
1997                       Assoc. Prof. (Docent) in Med.Mol. Biol. Med.Faculty, Umeå Univ.

Major Activities:
1992                      Lecturer in Med. Microbiol. Dept. of Microbiol., Umeå University
1992-1997              Young Investigator (Fo.Ass), Swedish Med. Res. Council.
1998-2004              Senior Researcher (Forskartjänst), Swedish Med. Res. Council.
2000-present           Professor in Molecular Developmental Biol. at Umeå University
2001-2008              Visiting Professor, Diabetes Research Inst., University of Miami
2003-present           Head of Umeå Centre for Molecular Medicine

Honors and Awards:
1997                     Fernström’s Award to Young Scientists, Umeå, Sweden
1997                     Eppendorf Young Investigator Award, Düsseldorf, Germany
1999                     Kroc Lectureship in Diabetes, Univ. of Chicago, USA
2000                     Minkowski Award, European Assoc. for the Study of Diabetes
2001                     Göran Gustafsson’s Award, Sweden
2001                     Excellent scientist, Swedish Research Council
2004                     DPLU Diabetes Research Prize, Lund, Sweden
2010                     Wallenberg Scholar Award, Sweden
2011                     Nordea’s Life science Award, Umeå University

Commissions of trust:
2009-present          Board of Umeå Biotech Incubator
2007- present         Editorial board of Cell Stem Cell
2007-2008             Board of Innovationsbron, Umeå
2003- present         Member, Royal Swedish Academy of Science
2001-2002             Board of the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet)
2000- present        Member of EMBO
2000-2001             Member in the Cellbiology 2 priority committee, Swedish MRC
1999-2001             Member of the Medical Faculty Research Board, Umeå University
1998-1999             Deputy member in the Medical Faculty Board, Umeå University
1997-2003             Board of the SSF National Developmental Biology Program

Research interests:
developmental biology, molecular and cell biology, diabetes, metabolic disorders