
NorMoyamoya is an ongoing multicenter prospective study of patients with moyamoya angiopathy. The superordinate aim of the project is to improve quality of care and safety for patients with moyamoya angiopathy through international collaborationa and by implementing advances in diagnostics, treatment, data processing and by translational research.

In a sub project with health literacy we are will investigate the relation between health literacy in moyamoya patients as well as their next-of-kin and clinical outcomes, by performing

  1. An interventional study on health literacy in our Norwegian moyamoya cohort. 
  2. An international cross-sectional multicenter study on the relation between health literacy and clinical outcomes using registry-based data from collaborating moyamoya centres.

Our secondary objectives are: 

  1. To assess health literacy in patients with moyamoya at baseline and follow-up
  2. To assess quality of life, mental fatigue, fatigue severity in patients with moyamoya at baseline and follow-up
  3. To assess functional level in patients with moyamoya at baseline and follow-up
  4. To assess health literacy and quality of life in the patient´s next-of-kin at baseline and follow-up